Categories: Admin Process

How to move files to a Shared Drive

We would like all FirstU-related files to be moved to one of the new Shared Drives.

Only the person who own a file can move it to another drive. When it has been moved, the URL (google ID) for the file  will be unchanged. Old links to the file will still work.

Here are the steps to move documents to a shared drive, thereby changing ownership.

  • Log in to your personal gmail account.
  • Open a browser window to the google drive.
  • Go to the left panel on your google drive.
  • Look for “Shared Drives”.
  • If you don’t see the appropriate Shared Drive, it’s probably because you don’t have access from the gmail address that you are logged into. Ask Mary Anne for access.
  • Open the appropriate Shared Drive to the folder that you want to copy to.
  • Open your “My Drive” in the left panel.
  • Find the file(s) you want to move into the Shared Drive. You can only move files that you own (check the column “owner” to confirm you are the owner.)
  • Select the file(s) you want to move.
  • Drag the selected file(s) into the Shared Drive.
  • You will be asked to confirm the move.
  • Watch the bottom left of your screen for an information box that says “moving”. Wait for it to complete.
  • Check that the file is in the right place on the Shared Drive.