For more information about our programs for children and youth, please contact Angela Klassen, our Director of Lifespan Religious Education, by email or at 416-924-9654 x2230. Read more about Angela here.
During our Sunday morning worship service we offer loving care for infants and toddlers as well as engaging programming for pre-school and school-age children.
Our team of carefully chosen volunteer teachers use story, discussion, plays, arts and crafts, cooperative games, activities and music to create a fun, interactive experience for young people.
Our programs for children strive to:
- Honour our children’s natural curiosity and sense of wonder
- Familiarize our children with our Unitarian Universalist heritage and values and with the beliefs and practices of the world’s religions
- Encourage children’s appreciation for our shared humanity and respect for the diversity of opinion, ability, affectional orientation and ethnicity among us
- Foster children’s sense of connectedness to the extended spiritual family in our congregation and support parents in a community of like-minded individuals
- Inspire children and youth to act for justice, equity and compassion
Learn more about our programs: