Categories: Ministerial Transition, News

Our Ministerial Team for 2023–2024

A message from the Interim Minister Search Team:

We are excited to share our Ministerial Team and plan for the 2023–2024 interim year. As we shared previously, we did not find an official “interim minister,” but we feel proud and enthusiastic about the team approach to serving our congregation starting in late August. Each of the individuals below will fill a key role for us this year and help us prepare for the next phase of interim ministry before we begin the search for a settled minister.

Introducing our Ministerial Team for 2023–2024

Rev. Victoria Ingram will serve as our part-time Transition Minister. She will provide support and leadership for the congregation while also beginning the interim discernment process with us. Rev. Ingram served as Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton until 2021 and has most recently served as Minister to the Grand River Congregation in Kitchener-Waterloo, covering a sabbatical.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Atkinson will deliver monthly sermons and take on the weekly Awakenings program once Rev Lynn retires this fall. Rev. Atkinson is also well known to our congregation, having served as our Summer Minister in 2019.

We were fortunate to be able to secure an outstanding team of ministers who will be working with us over the coming year. We are grateful for the support of the entire congregation, the staff of First, our Board of Trustees, and the CUC and UUA, most particularly Keith Kron from the UUA and Linda Thomson from the CUC.

We look forward to welcoming and enriching our connections with this wonderful team and trust each will bring a unique set of gifts to help guide us through the next phase in the life of our congregation.