Categories: Old News

Congregational Meeting – June 4

You are invited to join the Congregation’s Annual Budget Meeting. It will be hybrid: in-person at OCI and on Zoom. Registration will begin at 11:45 a.m.; the meeting will start at 12:30 pm.

The main business of the meeting will be:

  • consider a motion that removes the restriction that a member must be 18 years old to vote; read the background to this motion here.
  • to approve the 2023-24 budget;
  • elect members to the Board and Nominating Committee (see biographies below);
  • hear an update on Project 473 Renovation;

To vote in the meeting, you must be a member of the congregation and have made an identifiable financial contribution, of any amount, to operating expenses in the last 12 months.  You can make a last-minute donation here.

There will be snacks and childcare for in-person attendees.

Here are the documents you need to read in preparation for the meeting.  If you have any questions in advance of the meeting, please contact Tanya Cothran or any Board Member.