What is Spiritual Care?

Sermon by Lynn Harrison.

Mind, Body, Soul stones & flower

Like many UU congregations, First Unitarian offers support to its members through a dedicated team of volunteers trained in the art of listening. Especially in complex and difficult times, the caring presence of another person can provide the space we need to hear ourselves. The UU minister Denis Meacham calls this “the ministry of presence” and it’s a valuable part of our shared ministry at First.

On Sunday, Rev. Lynn will introduce the members of our pastoral and spiritual care teams, honouring those individuals who are completing their service, and reflecting on how deep listening can be an important part of everyone’s spiritual practice. In addition to the members of the Spiritual Care Team, Rev. Lynn will be joined by worship leader Maya Ferguson Klinowski, and both Lynn and the First Unitarian Choir will have special music to share.

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Lynn Harrison sings Let’s Talk to Each Other Like Trees
First Unitarian Choir sings Cathedral of the World