Sermon by Debra Faulk.
This Sunday morning, First Unitarian will ordain Nicole McKay to the Unitarian Universalist Ministry. If you haven’t participated in an ordination before, you’ll find the flow and focus of the service to be significantly different from a typical Sunday morning at First. We will have a number of special guests, visiting clergy, and other religious professionals with us. Nicole has invited Rev. Debra Faulk to deliver the homily. Aleza Coldevin, representing the congregation, will invite us all to take part in the “Act of Ordination.” Rev. Lynn will lead the “Laying on of Hands”. And Rev. Shawn will provide the “Charge to the Minister,” imparting collegial wisdom to (at that point in the service) the Rev. Nicole McKay. Others will speak as well, and then, at the end, Rev. Nicole will offer the benediction. All are welcome to attend this special ceremony that celebrates the creation of a new minister.