Our Mission, Should We Choose to Accept It

Sermon by Rev. Shawn Newton.

Gloved hand holding a syringe

Do you remember the television show “Mission Impossible”? (I’m trusting that it aired in Canada, as well as the United States.) I don’t have direct memories of the show itself, which ended in 1973, when I was three years old. Yet, I have seemingly always known of the invitation posed to Mr. Phelps at the beginning of each episode, as he received a tape with its briefing of his next assignment: this is “your mission, should you choose to accept it.”

As we move haltingly but hopefully towards the end of the pandemic, such an invitation will be posed to each of us—and to all of us: will we accept our mission to bring more love and justice to a changed and changing world? On Sunday, we’ll take up this question in our service at 10:30am, which will flow seamlessly into a Congregational Conversation on the topic of where we, as First Unitarian, are headed. Please plan to spend the morning with us (we will wrap up around noon), as this will be an important discussion about the future we are beginning to build towards.

Recently, there has been pressure on faith leaders of all traditions to encourage the members of our congregations to be vaccinated. I know that many of you already have gotten at least your first shot, and many more are registered to do so in the coming days and weeks. If you are eligible and able to be vaccinated, I encourage you to do so. I believe it is a way that each of us can help “to serve life,” as our covenant states. If you need help signing up for a shot, please let any member of the staff team know, and we will put you in touch with someone who can help. And if, for any reason, you are hesitant to receive the vaccine and would like to discuss it, please know that I would be glad to listen and support you in your discernment. For those in Toronto, you can find information about getting your shot here.

Take good care.

In faith and love,

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