Just the Planet

Sermon by Lynn Harrison.

Hurricane Matthew Relief

Throughout the month of November, we’ve been reflecting on reconciliation and racial justice. In some ways, the specific issues we focus on can be seen as separate and distinct, yet in the interdependent web of existence affirmed in our UU 7th Principle, they are deeply intertwined.

In the wake of the COP26 climate conference earlier this month, there are increasing calls to bring our individual and collective focus to the well-being of the planet–a call to climate justice that is as urgent as it is challenging.

On Sunday, I’ll offer a personal reflection on how timeless teachings of love and compassion can bring us together in common cause, to care for the Earth and each other during these critical times. Our resident musicians will bring us beautiful and uplifting music, and the Green Team will bring us news of its current activities in the community. All of this will take place both online and in person, as we continue to evolve as a congregation to a new way of gathering in hope and love.

After our morning worship, we’re all invited to attend a special National Service of the Canadian Unitarian Council, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. EST at this Zoom link. Led by youth and young adults, this service will celebrate the CUC’s 60-year history and look toward the bright possibilities of our shared future.

Also this weekend, on Saturday, November 27th at 12:00 noon EST, the Special Meeting of the CUC will be held, including the vote on the proposed new 8th Principle. All Unitarian Universalists are welcome to attend this significant meeting. The link to attend, and more information, can be found here.

As we endeavor together to create a world of love and justice, may we be guided by ancient words from the Jewish Talmudic text: “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, go humbly now.”

May we continue our journey together, in hope and love, this Sunday.


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Lynn, Danny, Gabby singing Do Not Be Daunted