Sermon by Patti Pettigrew.
On Sunday, March 5th we welcome Patti Pettigrew once again to First Unitarian Congregation. Patti is the Founder and Executive Director of Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society, Ontario’s first and only Indigenous-led transitional housing program for Indigenous women leaving the carceral system. Patti will update us on the work and progress of the Thunder Woman transitional housing locations across the GTA and all the work that she and the rest of the TWHLS staff are doing.
Our service will be led by Maya Ferguson Klinowski, a worship leader and member of First Unitarian Congregation and the Reconciliation Working Group. Maya will offer a reflection on the upcoming motion by the Canadian Unitarian Council to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery, making clear how Canadian Unitarians can move forward to change, challenge and dismantle racist-colonial frameworks that underlie Canadian and international property rights.
On International Women’s Day, celebrating women’s strength and resilience, we highlight the voices of Indigenous women writers Linda Noel, Robin Wall Kimmerer and Deborah A. Miranda.