Sermon by Rev. Shawn Newton.
Much ink has been spilled over the past two years about how the world—and how our lives—would be changed by Covid-19. Much of this speculation happened in the early months of the pandemic, long before we knew as much as we now do. At the time, I took most of these predictions with a grain of salt. But, now, two years into this experience and with hopes that we may be nearing a real turning point, it’s timely to consider just how we have been and are being changed by what we have lived through since March of 2020.
The service on Sunday will invite us to reflect on what’s changed for us personally and to give thought to how we intend to live in light of the changes unfolding around us. Angela Klassen will share a story for us all. Danny Fong will offer his rendering of Ray LaMontagne’s “Be Here Now” and Gaby Byrnes will lead us in “Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire.” Merrilee Brand will speak to us about our refugee sponsorship program. And Karen Dunk-Green will update us on the progress we’re making in the renovation of our congregation’s future home. It will be a full Sunday!
As I begin a three-month sabbatical next week, I want to thank you for this regular gift of time for reflection and renewal. And I want to express my abiding gratitude for your continued commitment to and engagement with our community over these past two years. Again and again—in contrast to the experience of many other congregations—our spiritual community has shown amazing dedication, flexibility, grace, and good humour. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
In faith and love,