Heaven Knows Where We Are Going

Sermon by Rev. Shawn Newton.

Empty Thought Bubble This Sunday, in place of the sermon, our ministry staff will share a conversation about how we are understanding First Unitarian’s role in these times of change. Lynn, Angela, Dallas, and I will reflect on the spiritual lessons we believe are available to us as a congregation, in this present moment and going forward. We welcome back pianist Adam Sakiyama and are delighted that Joann Chapin will sing the beautiful song, “Light of a Clear Blue Morning.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m finding it pretty hard to plan things like I did in the recent past. Once upon a time not so very long ago, I took comfort in having a year of sermon topics and Journey Group themes mapped out and neatly organized in a spreadsheet. Last night, I replaced that elaborate document, with its many helpful columns, with something much simpler and more fitting for the uncertainties of this time. I have a rough sense of what we might be covering in worship services for the next couple of weeks. That said, things could change.

This is a time for creative flexibility. As we take up our May theme of “Resilience,” for me the watchwords are acceptance and adaptability. They are what I’m working on in my own spiritual practice right now—both in my quiet times of meditation and as I work with our staff and other congregational leaders to map out as much of the future as is possible in this moment.

In faith and love,

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