Good Intentions

Sermon by Rev. Lynn Harrison.

Well intentioned dog with dynamite

It’s said that the road to [a place Unitarians generally don’t believe in…] is paved with them.

Good intentions. The things we do with our hearts in the right place that don’t work out the way we hoped. Last Sunday, working with January’s “Intentions” theme, we reflected on how our plans often go in unexpected directions and how we can even lose sight of our goals entirely. This week, we consider how even good intentions can lead to unintended harm.

I’ll share with you a very practical and easy-to-use tool we all can use, to let others know when we’ve been hurt and to immediately make amends when we’ve stumbled. We’ll reflect on why it can be hard to take responsibility for those unintentional harms, and how it can be deeply beneficial and healing for our relationships.

Melissa Lobo will join me as Worship Leader this Sunday, I’ll lead us all in singing a well-loved UU hymn, Dallas Bergen will nurture our online community with his leadership, and Danny Fong will share a beautiful song to inspire and uplift us.

I hope you’ll join us, as we learn and grow together. See you on Sunday!


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