Sermon by Rev. Shawn Newton.
We find ourselves living in a tentative time. As we await the distribution of vaccines and guard against the emerging virus variants, we are hopefully nearing the beginning of the end of the pandemic that has upended so much of our lives over these past twelve months. This Sunday marks a full year since I preached my first Covid-related sermon. While the situation was increasingly worrying a year ago, none of us knew where we would be a year later. Little could we appreciate the many forces that would not only impact us but change us through this ordeal. We are obviously still very much in the midst of a defining experience, so it’s timely that we consider how we’ve changed, how we’re being changed, and in what ways we want or need to change going forward. Our service and my sermon on Sunday will invite us into these questions. I hope you’ll join us for the conversation.
Take good care.
In faith and love,