Time, the Great Teacher

Sermon by Shawn Newton.

Clock with words not numbers I don’t know about you, but my sense of time has been scrambled by the pandemic. Something that happened last week feels like it could have occurred last year. And things I did many months ago feel as if I did them just yesterday. But it’s not only my awareness of the actual chronology of events that’s been upended, it’s also the experience of time itself. Perhaps that’s true for you, too. As we take up this month’s theme of “Time,” our service on Sunday will invite us to reflect on how we use the gift of time that we’ve been given.

Next week I’ll begin my summer break, which will extend through mid-August. Happily, Rev. Ben Robins, who was ordained by our congregation last year, will serve as this year’s Summer Minister. (In addition to Ben, Dallas Bergen, our music director, and Nicole McKay, one of our seminarians, will offer sermons this summer.) Ben, with support from our lay pastors and Caring Connections team, will be available to provide pastoral care. In an emergency situation, Ben will be able to reach me or Lynn, as needed. The congregation is, as always, in good hands.

I wish each of you a wonderful summer full of things that renew you in every way!

In faith and love,

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Rev. Lynn Harrison singing Tall Trees