Choose to Bless the World

Sermon by Shawn Newton.

Baby Sneezing


“Bless you.” “¡Salud!” “Santé” “Gesundheit”

There are many ways to bless those around us, but, in our culture, it’s so often done in a compulsory or almost-instinctual way in response to someone who sneezes. It is a cultural habit ingrained in a history of human resilience in the face of pestilence and plague. Someone sneezes, and we bless them with a wish for good health. This Sunday, we’ll explore what it means to bless others—without needing the prompt of a sneeze!

This week we will also honour the work of Amnesty International with reflections by Ted Wood. And our resident musicians will sing “With these two hands”.

See you soon.

In faith and love,

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