Testimonies by Black members of the congregation.
“What does Black History Month mean to me?”
On Sunday, February 7th, First Unitarian’s service will center the voices of Black members of the congregation, who will bring their perspectives to answering that question. We welcome Moara Barrett, Juleth Dawson, Terri Marks and Gabrielle Byrnes to the pulpit on Sunday, as we strive to deepen as a community of love and justice.
As well, February 7th marks the annual “Sharing Our Faith” Sunday of the Canadian Unitarian Council, bringing our attention to the broader Unitarian movement across Canada. In addition to our 10:30 Sunday service, a national cross-Canada service will take place at 1:00 p.m. EST. Revs. Shana Lynngood and Samaya Oakley will lead this service entitled “A Faith Worth Failing For”, exploring how we can take risks, learn from past mistakes and widen our circle. You can access that service through this link and find more information below.
I’ll be away on sabbatical leave from Feb. 12th to March 25th (Rev. Shawn returns next week). I hope that, during that time, the season’s gradual return of the light brings for you a sense of hope and promise, even in these uncertain times.
As always, I look forward to being with you on Sunday.
In faith and love,
Rev. Lynn
Read testimony by Terri Marks