Creative Maladjustment

Sermon by Shawn Newton.

MLK in police photo

I am delighted to announce we’ll be welcoming a special guest to our pulpit this week. I will be joined in delivering the sermon this Sunday by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Er, let me explain.

For this “dialogue sermon,” I will be drawing on the address Dr. King delivered to the continental gathering of Unitarian Universalists in 1966—a conference to which the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto sent delegates, given that we were then part of the same denomination. My guiding goal is to share the enduring wisdom from his message in a way that can help us navigate our present-day challenges around racial justice and reconciliation. In the service, Margaret Bryant will share news of our refugee sponsorship program. And our Resident Musicians will offer up their take on “Circle ‘Round for Freedom” and “We Shall Overcome.”

I draw your attention to an opportunity to learn more about the neighbourhood in which our future home is situated. The Toronto History Walks Meetup Group is offering a tour of nearby Little Jamaica on November 29th, from 11am to 1pm. I and a few others from First are already signed up to attend. (There is a cap of 30 participants.) If you are interested you can learn more and register. This isn’t a program of First Unitarian, so you will need to log in to save your spot.

In faith and love,

Read MLK’s 1966 Ware Lecture