Potluck Ethics

Sermon by Rev. Ben Robins, Summer Minister.

Potluck Table

Could it be true that, before long, we’ll be gathering in a large group again, having potlucks again? I am ready. Shared meals bring us together in a way that acknowledges our common humanity, while celebrating the cultural differences and individual tastes within our community. A seemingly simple ritual, potlucks are a microcosm of the larger world, with all of the challenges of living equitably and interconnectedly within a free society. We bring to the table our food needs, preferences and norms. If we don’t plan mindfully, some norms might dominate, and some needs might go unmet. This Sunday, we look at how we run potlucks, as a window into the practice of diverse and inclusive community.

This Sunday, we also give a hearty welcome to the UU congregation from Hamilton, who will be joining us on Zoom. May our communities be enriched by coming together. Welcome!

I would love to hear your first thoughts on our theme. You can reach me at RevBen@nullfirstunitariantoronto.org


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