Green Sanctuary Checklist

The Green Team recommends that committees, groups and individuals in the congregation be mindful of, and work towards achieving the following:

  1. Striving to use energy in a sustainable way.
  2. Performing ongoing maintenance to reduce energy loss.
  3. Continually evaluating and improving the energy efficiency of our electrical and mechanical systems.
  4. Reusing and recycling, and responsible disposal of existing material.
  5. When upgrading current systems, planning for renewable energy, a green roof, recycled and/or re-used materials, and LEED certification.
  6. Converting to using environmentally friendly cleaning supplies and de-icing material, and environmentally friendly office supplies.
  7. In the gardens and for indoor décor, using locally grown and/or native plants, flowers and trees.
  8. Preferring banking and investment accounts that promote environmental justice and sustainability.
  9. Serving seasonal, organic, and/or local food, including fair trade coffee and tea.
  10. In Religious Education, emphasizing love and gratitude for the Earth and environmental sustainability.
  11. Weaving green themes into more Sunday services than just the Earth Day Service.
  12. Conducting elements of worship services outdoors.
  13. Publicizing “Green Efforts” and achievements through public and First Unitarian communication media.

Our efforts must of course be balanced with the safety and legal standards that are required of First as a church, as an employer, and as a landlord.